Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- All co-authors have approved the present version as ready for submission and agreed to co-authorship.
- The user profile for each author includes their ORCID and valid affiliation and contact information.
- The contribution is original (has not been published elsewhere neither in part or in whole), or if not original the original publication details are given in the message to the editor, including DOI and/or ISBN, and URL.
- You own the copyright to all text and illustrations, or have obtained permission and have a written proof of it.
- You have provided DOIs for cited articles, book chapters and books, if they are available, and ISBNs for books. (Be aware that almost all old articles available on-line have been assigned DOIs retrospectively. If DOI is provided other details are uninportant and formating of the list of references is free.)
- In the case of PhD thesis abstracts a short bio (1/2 to 1 page) and a portrait photograph are included. (For other sections, bio and portraits of authors are welcome, but not required.)
- Spell checking and grammar checking has been done on the text, and if needed, the text edited by a native English speaker or someone with excellent command of the English language.
- Illustrations (diagrams, figures, photographs, plots) will be available as individual files separate from the manuscript for the final submission. Illustrations fulfil the requirements mentioned in the Authors' Guidelines with respect to design, quality and file format.
a) Commentary- and opinion papers refering to other published articles in the UV4Plants Bulletin or elsewhere, including responses to earlier articles in this section. b) Informal presentation of new ideas or hypotheses for open debate. c) Opinions on science policy and other broader issues affecting research or reseachers working on the responses of plants to UV radiation. d) Short reports from participants on the highlights from major conferences, workshops and similar events.
Reviews and Perspectives
Reviews attempt to objectively and broadly assess the current state of a field of research. The depth and bredth of coverage of the literature may vary but should attempt to be selective only with respect to the quality or strength of evidence. A review should provide an original synthesis of the current state of knowledge, highlighting gaps and new openings, providing an integrated view that is "more than the sum of its parts".
Perspectives review the literature with a hypothesis as starting point, evaluating the existing and missing evidence. The aim is to propose an original idea and justify how and why it needs to be studied further. Use of literature should avoid cherry-picking, and the article should objectively assess the hypothesis proposed as far as is allowed by currently available scientific evidence.
In practice, submissions that fall somewhere in-between these extremes will also be considered for publication. What must be remembered in all cases is that opinions should be described in a way that ensures that readers will not take them as facts. In particular, publication precedence should be recognized, and attribution of developments and ideas carefully researched in the literature.
a) Reseach-related articles. b) Historical accounts about research progress. c) Articles related to applications and use of UV radiation in horticulture, farming and other related industries, and the equipment and facilities used. d) Articles on how to teach to students at any level and/or communicate to the general public research results and their implications. e) Articles within the scope of the journal not matching any of the other sections of the Bulletin. Peer reviewed.
a) Reports on UV4Plants activities such as workshops, training schools, conferences, etc. b) Reports on research projects' progress. c) Reports on workshops, training schools, conferences, etc. not organized by the UV4Plants Association. d) Profiles describing current projects and interests of researchers and research groups, or accounts of the career of notable researchers, including obbituaries. e) Other updates that are too long or detailed to be published under News. Peer-reviewed.
Doctoral thesis abstracts
Abstracts of doctoral theses recently defended will be reproduced unchanged from those submitted with the thesis to the univeristy where the degree was awarded. Thesis subject must be within the scope of the UV4Plants Bulletin. If the thesis has been assigned an ISBN and or DOI, these should be provided together with the full bibliographic information. For unpublished theses or monographs, if deposited on-line a DOI or handle or URL should be provided. Date and place of defence, university, department or faculty, and supervisors names should also be included. The abstract should uploaded as a file. A short abstract, of at most 100 words, should be entered in the abstract field and will be used for indexing and on-line display.
Book, software and equipment reviews
Critical reviews of recently published books and software, or of equipment by an independent author. (Short summaries of books or software written by book publishers, authors or editors should be submitted as News. Short descriptions of new equipment or materials submitted by sellers or manufacturers should be submitted as News.)
Copyright Notice
Authors, or their employers, will retain ownership of copyright. However, original publication in the Bulletin should be always cited upon republication in unaltered or altered form. The UV4Plants Bulletin contents will be published under one of the Creative Commons Licenses, by default CC BY-SA 4.0, but at the request of the authors, other more restrictive (CC BY-ND 4.0, CC BY-NC 4.0) or less restrictive (CC BY 4.0) licenses can be used for individual articles.
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